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Portada revista Ritmo
Critica Impresiones Intimas
Impresiones Intimas en el Parade
El Arte de la Fuga
Entrevista en la Revista Ritmo
Revista Melómano
Revista Ritmo
IDEAL. Marzo 2015
Revista Ritmo
Revista Ritmo
Bösendorfer journal

"Ambrosio Valero, welcome to the Bösendorfer Artist Family" more


July 2015. Bösendorfer Austria Magazine


[...] "The evening began with Beethoven's Triple Concerto, masterfully offered by the three soloists: a superb Ambrosio Valero, with his inseparable and huge Bösendorfer..." [...]  more

June 2015. Margaux Bouquin


[...]”Ambrosio does not mess about” [...] more


April 2015. J. Romero


[...]. "A young pianist, energetic, with clear ideas who has just being named Bösendorfer Artist, colossal instrument that will help Valero in his constant search for the sound" [...] more


November 2014 Gonzalo Perez Chamorro


[...] "Valero is a musician, a lover of the beautiful sound, the care on the pulse, the essential respect for the style and the use of technique as an expressive vehicle, not as a personal exhibition. I have been fortunate to listen to Ambrosio Valero live and I claim you can enjoy in this recording a similar feeling to what can be felt in the theatre but with the possibility to capture it to our liking. "[...] more


August 2014. Juan Francisco de Dios


[...] "In the extreme passion and elegance in the Andantino quasi Allegretto movements, he brings the aesthetic change with Schubert's Sonata D 537, which allows us to go into a sound world in which Valero moves with great ease, as it was recognized in the competition "Maria Canals", leaving proof in these miniatures of a great artistic rigor approaching them with intimacy, spirituality and sound refinement that this dangerous music requires.” more


June 2014. J.L.A.


[...] "First highlight the manner in which Ambrosio Valero extracts the sound colour of this whole repertoire offering a colourful fresh and really poetic combination as if a rainbow was uniting in its ends Bach and Granados and took into Mozart, Schubert, and Mompou its colour zenith. The way Ambrosio Valero addresses this creative corpus, which runs different aesthetic moments in the history of music, makes us feel that invisible connection and turns it into a microcosm sound. Something really magical "[...].more


April 2014. Manuel Lopez Benito




“Originality and perfection techniques are qualities that characterised Ambrosio Valero. […] With a pianissimo full of lyricism and poetry. […] Ambrosio is a pianist with a deep perception of music and with an unmistakable and personal sound. […] One of the most important values of the piano actually". more


Julia Alonso, Ritmo



"Born to play the piano"


P. Ramos, Melómano



“Ambrosio Valero caught the public’s attention from the start. It was fascinating. How many different sounds Ambrose is able to take out from the same instrument? The dramatic changes alternated with each other without bombast, moving and full of poetry (...). He showed great technique and an unusual precision (...). Ambrose designs his music with emotional depth and technical perfection, something rare in the current pianism, space to breathe (...)"


Andreas Denker, Müritz-Zeitung (Berlín)



“Ambrosio Valero is a pianist who leaves no one indifferent. His brilliant technique allows you to cover all types of repertoire with equal mastery. His break with the traditional interpretations to find a new interpretation, suggestive and full of personality"


Antonio Sánchez Lucena, Catedrático de Piano del Real Conservatorio

Superior de Música “Victoria Eugenia” de Granada



"I heard him play in public situations and very distinguished and demanding, I can say that he showed great sensitivity to the whole repertoire, regardless of Classical, Romantic, or contemporary Spanish. If we add an impeccable technique, a great ease and versatility unusual, we conclude that we are in presence of a young piano value today”


Julio García Casas, Presidente de Juventudes Musicales de Sevilla y

Vicepresidente Primero de Juventudes Musicales de España



“Ambrosio Valero has shown to the public tonight his great pianism. His sound was beautiful and at the same time powerful. All the time he showed a pure and refined technique based on a deep musical concept (...). His performances brimmed with originality, freshness and temperament (...)"


Momchil Georgiev, Radio Nacional de Bulgaria



“Memorable night in Tunisia.  (...) Ambrosio Valero is a stunning pianist, he showed his great mastery of the instrument throughout the night, which led him to success and the  recognition on behalf of the audience and critics at the closing of the Festival” Acropolium of Carthage."






"(...) Ambrosio Valero showed uncommon musical skills as well as an outstanding technique (...). His performance is dictated by his enormous artistic temperament (...)"


Natalia Ilieva



“(…) This great soloist is a pianist with a powerful technique and a great versatility, who is also gifted with an outstanding musical sense (….)”


El Pueblo de Albacete




"(...) Five prizes in seven days, an unusual case"





“He’s a versatile pianist, gifted with awesome skills which he puts at the service of a deep musical understanding “


Agustín Peiró, Presidente de Juventudes Musicales de Albacete



“The concert met the expectations. Not for nothing, we find ourselves before one of the most important performers in the pianistic scene, endorsed by a great number of awards (...)”


A. Díaz, La Tribuna



"(...) It is a pianist known for its freshness and originality (...)"


 La Opinión



“He has shown himself as an exquisite performer. (….) His great number of prizes shows the level he has reached (...)”


Granada Hoy



“Ambrosio Valero obtained a resounding and unreserved success (….)”


J.A. Lacárcel, Ideal





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